How to Play Garden Quoits
The game of Quoits has regional variations on the rules. Below, you will find a simple way to play the game.
Decide which team, or individual, takes the first throw by tossing a coin.
Set up the game in an agreed area. The distance to throw can be agreed between the players. The scoring value of each peg can be determined by the distance from the throwing area or some other means agreed by the players.
The winner of the game can be the team which scores the highest after a certain number of throws or the team to reach a predetermined score.
Each player has 4 quoits to throw at the scoring area. After throwing all 4 quoits, add up any score that has been made by having a quoit thrown over the peg.
This is then added to find the individuals, or team, total.
The winner is the first player or team to reach the agreed winning criteria.